
These are free wallpapers I have gathered from shoujo magazine publisher sites. All copyrights are possessed by the artists and publishers.

Click on the album name or image to view the wallpapers of that series.

Home » Wallpapers » NG Life
01 NGLife 1024 X 768
01 NGLife 1024 X 768
02 NGLife 1024 X 886
02 NGLife 1024 X 886
03 NGLife 1024 X 768
03 NGLife 1024 X 768
04 NGLife 1024 X 768
04 NGLife 1024 X 768
05 NGLife 1024 X 768
05 NGLife 1024 X 768
Rating: 4.00
06 NGLife 1024 X 768
06 NGLife 1024 X 768
07 NGLife 1024 X 768
07 NGLife 1024 X 768
08 NGLife 800 X 600
08 NGLife 800 X 600

Once you’ve found the image you like, right click on it and choose to view or open the image. You can then enlarge it to its full size and save a copy. 🙂